I'm incredibly proud to have worked alongside some amazingly talented designers to evolve Battle.net, a brand that has meant a lot to me throughout the years.
In 2020 we were tasked with updating the brand to match the years of progress and change that Battle.net had gone through. There were some incredibly fun concepts and ultimately I believe we found a way to honor the legacy of Battle.net while bringing it more in line with the polished design that had been introduced to the launcher and web throughout the years.

First Pass - 3 Magnitudes of Change


Polish pass on the original mark done in tandem with Felix Choi.
On the right: the original mark is shown in blue, with the polished mark overlaid in red.
On the right: the original mark is shown in blue, with the polished mark overlaid in red.



Penultimate Pass

Final Mark and Logotype
DIRECTION: Christy Schaefer, Chris Morley, Joe Smiley, Jason Hastings
FINAL DESIGN: Thomas Heger, Dohyeong Kim, Daniel Peterson
DIRECTION: Christy Schaefer, Chris Morley, Joe Smiley, Jason Hastings
FINAL DESIGN: Thomas Heger, Dohyeong Kim, Daniel Peterson