"Through July 27, take part in Sigma’s symphony to earn exquisite rewards—including the legendary Maestro Sigma skin—by winning games and watching Overwatch on Twitch." I worked with the Overwatch team, Blizzard's various marketing teams, and the amazing Overwatch web team to define the special needs of the Sigma Maestro Challenge page, design the page and banner to match the aesthetic responsively, and follow through on implementation by working directly with engineers. This page followed a layout developed by the talented Annie Lu and Tiffany Le which was then adapted to the aesthetic of the event and in which I added a new section to highlight the special release of the Overwatch Soundtrack album Cities & Countries. Having been a fan of Overwatch since before I could even play it, it was an absolute honor to contribute to the legacy of the game with this fantastic event. https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/sigma-maestro-challenge/